
Great Galetta Cookie Exchange 2024

November 6-Hand GAletta Euchres

The Galetta Tribune - October 24

The Galetta Tribune

October 24


Rummage Sale (2024 edition)

     If anyone was silly enough to miss out on this year’s rummage sale  then you missed out on the most awesome sale of the century. This year we had everything from dozens of angel figurines to a collection of ZZ Tops greatest hits, we had horseshoes and even a saddle but sadly no horse to go with it all, we had boots and buttons and yarns and yoyos, we had……. well, you get my drift we had a lot of neat stuff.

     All of this is not possible without the help of a lot of people starting with the 1st Scout Troop of West Carleton who helped us frame the marquee tents, to the gentle ladies of West Carleton who put in so many countless hours hanging clothes, folding blankets, laying out and arranging displays of dishes and glassware, arranging books in our library and sorting through stacks and stacks of CD’s and DVD’s. Our thanks seem to be so meagre but is most heartfelt and earnest.

     To those of you who wonder what happens to all the leftover items, every effort is made to recycle as much as we can and once again our ladies came through with a shining effort. Bags and bags of clothes have been donated to the Cerebral Palsy Charity, sporting goods goes to Play it Again Sports, as much furniture as possible goes to The Restore and our glut of coffee mugs has been donated to a men’s charity that has a dishwasher which has a maniacal hatred towards coffee mugs.

     Oh yes, and for those of you that may be curious we made in excess of $6,500 at this year's sale.


IS BACK AGAIN ! ! !  Beginning November the 6th and every WEDNESDAY for the month of November starting at 7 PM we will be having a euchre tournament each night. Again, the evening will be hosted by our very own Julie Fergusson and she promises a newer and bigger and better agenda. So see you all there!

Pancake Breakfast

     We had so much fun hosting our pancake breakfast last spring we have decided to do it all again! We’re having a Winter Wonderland Breakfast on Sunday, November 24 from 10 until 1, with lots of fun for the kids. Pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, Needham’s maple syrup, and fresh fruit as well.

Our thanks to…

Hughes Brittle Printing (new location 50 Decosta St )

     Would like to express our gratitude to Robert Hughes and his staff for the great job they did in getting our rummage sale posters printed and ready for us in such short order. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.

Needham Market Gardens (1335 Ottawa Rd 29)

     And since we are throwing out kudos, we cannot forget Glen at Needham Market Gardens. Glen has always been a huge supporter of the Galetta Community Association and once again came through this year supplying us with most of  the materials for our fall display.

Carp Garden Centre (153 Donald B Munro Dr)

    If anyone is interested, those beautiful mums you see adorning our fall display on Galetta Side Rd came from the Carp Garden Centre. This is an enjoyable venue to visit even to just admire the unique and varied flora and maybe pick up some tips on designing your flower beds.

The Flower Fairy

     Please can someone find another moniker for me other than the flower fairy. For those of you who are not aware I am not only the author of this newsletter I am also the ol geezer running about tending to the flower displays on Galetta Side Rd. Someone was kind enough to acknowledge my efforts on What’s up Galetta but christened me “The Flower Fairy” and all I can say is if you ever saw me on the dance floor you would definitely not label me a fairy by any stretch of the imagination


There you have it all the news that is worth knowing on one tidy piece of paper. Thank you one and all.


Galetta Lawn Bowling Club Has Voted To Disband

After 32 years of operation the Galetta Lawn Bowling Club has voted to disband. See the minutes of their final meeting {here}.

Computer Course for Newbies

We are offering a computer course for beginners of all ages. We would like to limit the size of the class so as to offer a more one-on-one touch.

We are looking into acquiring Chromebooks for those that don’t have a laptop available (deposit will be required).

Please contact us at: .   Leave your contact info and which evenings you would be available Course time will be approximately 5 hours and cost $60.

New Constitution and ByLaws

Go HERE to see the current Galetta Community Association Constitution and By-Laws.

Councillor Kelly's News

The latest news from Councillor Kelly can be found at:

Earlier editions of "The Tribune"

For earlier editions Earlier editions of "The Tribune," GO HERE

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Community Association Executive

President: Norm Ross

Vice President: Sue Hierlihy

Treasurer: Peter Shoup

Secretary: Emily Bahm

Chair: Terry Hierlihy

Directors: Norm Ross, Barb Jowett, Emily Bahm, Marsha MacGowan, Leah Dean, Peter Shoup, Jim Fergusson, Rachel Brace, Andrew Skull, Sue Hierlihy, Terry Hierlihy

Hall Rentals: Barb Jowett

Hall Maintenance: Norm Ross

Membership: Peter Shoup